Priti Patel’s response to the floods in South Asia has been slow and insufficient – Kate Osamor


Osamor MP, Shadow Secretary of State for International Development,
on Priti Patel’s announcement on the UK response to the South Asia floods,

Patel’s response to the floods in South Asia has been slow and insufficient.

“It has
now been more than two weeks since the floods struck and Priti Patel’s
announcement last Friday that the UK will contribute just £400,000 of new
funding in Nepal, from an annual aid budget of over £13 billion is not good

Patel must now urgently come before Parliament this week and make a statement
that keeps the world’s eyes on South Asia and shows that this government is
serious about tackling the unfolding catastrophe.

Storm Harvey’s recovery effort in Houston may be grabbing mainstream media
headlines, but we must not ignore the millions suffering across South Asia.
British humanitarian responses must be driven by need – not the column inches a
disaster receives in the mainstream media.”

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