Principles for science and technology moon-shots

The Prime Minister invited the Council for Science and Technology to offer advice on moon-shots that could showcase the UK as a science superpower.

The CST has provided advice on how a moon-shot might be defined and highlights 7 principles for formulating and choosing a moon-shot theme.

  1. Excite and inspire the public, academia, and industry
  2. Help solve an important societal issue
  3. Be truly disruptive and ground-breaking
  4. Focus on areas where the underpinning science is at a stage to make a major breakthrough feasible
  5. Be specific and well-defined in what it sets out to achieve, with a clear timeframe for completion
  6. Take advantage of areas where the UK is, or is poised to be, a world leader
  7. Generate significant additional benefits.

The letter also highlights factors that the government should consider for delivery of a successful moon-shot programme.