Principal technical officer of Housing Department tests positive for COVID-19

     The Housing Department tonight (August 15) learnt that a principal technical officer has tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). He is staying at hospital for treatment.

     The officer concerned works on the seventh floor of Block 3 at the Hong Kong Housing Authority Headquarters in Ho Man Tin. The floor concerned is not a public floor and is not open to the public. He last performed duties on August 13.

     He has no recent travel history, and has been wearing facial masks when performing duties. He followed relevant disease prevention measures at work. The department will continue to closely co-operate with the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) on disease prevention measures. The workplace of the officer concerned, including the common areas, has been fully cleaned and sterilised in accordance with the guidelines of the CHP.

     During the pandemic, the department has been strictly implementing various disease prevention measures, including measuring the body temperature of people entering the buildings, providing facial masks and other personal protective equipment for staff, and requesting staff to wear facial masks when in contact with others and at public places. Cleaning and sterilising measures for the working environment of the department have also been stepped up.

     The department will continue to maintain close liaison with the CHP and co-operate with its quarantine work.