Princess Margaret Hospital announces patient admitted to a COVID-19 ward incident


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesman for Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) made the following announcement today (April 14) regarding a patient admitted to a COVID-19 ward incident:

     A 37-year-old male patient with hepatocellular carcinoma arrived Hong Kong from the United Kingdom on April 11. As he felt unwell on the plane, the patient was conveyed to PMH by ambulance upon arrival for further treatment. Upon arrival of PMH Accident and Emergency Department, the patient disclosed to doctor that he had right abdominal pain and fever in the past few days. As the patient had travel history, doctor arranged him for single isolation treatment and testing.
     The patient was then sent to a ward for COVID-19 patients and stayed with confirmed patients in the same cubicle. On April 13 morning, while reviewing information, ward staff realised that the patient's test result was negative. The patient was immediately transferred to a single room for isolation. The hospital had arranged testing for the patient again and the results of two subsequent testing were negative. The patient is now in stable condition and is classified as a close contact. The hospital will monitor his health condition.

     PMH is very concerned about the incident and extended apology to the patient. The hospital has reported the incident to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incidents Reporting System. The hospital will review the admission procedure and implement measures to enhance communication.

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