Prince of Wales Hospital announces sentinel event


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

  The spokesperson for the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) today (January 21) announced a sentinel event as follows:
  A 40-year-old male patient was transferred from Shatin Hospital to PWH in the afternoon on January 19 due to respiratory distress and he was admitted to the surgical ward.
  The patient underwent a bronchoscopy procedure at around 8.40pm. At 9.45pm, a doctor found a pair of blood-stained scissors and a letter to relatives next to the patient. The patient was unconscious and developed cardiac arrest. Resuscitation was immediately performed and four stab wounds were found on the patient's left chest wall. The patient regained a heartbeat after resuscitation.
  The patient's family was contacted and notified of the incident. The patient finally succumbed and was certified dead at 11.39pm. The incident was reported to the Police and the case referred to the Coroner. The Hospital will co-operate in the follow-up investigation.
  The Hospital is deeply saddened by the incident and will maintain close contact with the patient's family to provide them with the necessary support. The case has been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System.
  A Root Cause Analysis Panel will be set up to look into the incident and propose recommendations.

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