Prince of Wales Hospital announces a vaccination incident

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:     

     The spokesperson for the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) today (July 13) made the following announcement regarding an incident of COVID-19 vaccine administration:

     A woman attended Ma On Shan Family Medicine Centre to receive a COVID-19 vaccine yesterday afternoon (July 12). A nurse inserted a needle into her left arm and noted that there was no vaccine inside the syringe before injection. The needle was immediately withdrawn. The nurse subsequently administered another injection.

     The woman complained of dizziness, left-sided numbness and weakness 10 minutes after the injection. No apparent swelling or surgical emphysema were noted after assessment by the clinic doctor. As the woman was still feeling unwell, she was transferred to the PWH Accident and Emergency Department for further check-up. Chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, computed tomography scan of brain and other medical examinations were performed with no abnormality found. She decided to leave against medical advice.

     The hospital has apologised to her and will keep close contact with her to render necessary support.

     The hospital is very concerned about the incident and will review the procedures of vaccination administration in order to prevent a similar incident in the future. The hospital has reported the incident to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System.