Prince of Wales Hospital announces a student of its School of Midwifery confirmed with COVID-19 infection
The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:
The spokesperson for the Prince of Wales Hospital made the following announcement today (December 7) regarding a student of its School of Midwifery being confirmed with COVID-19 infection:
A student of the School of Midwifery informed the School on December 6 that her mother was confirmed to have been infected by COVID-19. The student was arranged to undergo deep throat saliva test on the same day and the test result was positive. She is currently receiving treatment under isolation at the hospital and is in stable condition.
The Hospital Infection Control Team has conducted contact tracing and confirmed that the student last attended lesson on December 4. Three students with whom she has had lunch with were identified as close contacts and required quarantine. COVID-19 tests have been arranged for the three students and their results were all negative. 25 students in the same class and 16 staff members of the School have been classified as other contacts. COVID-19 tests and medical surveillance will be arranged for them.
The School will be temporarily closed for seven days from today for thorough disinfection. The hospital would continue to closely monitor the health of the students and staff, and communicate with the Centre for Health Protection on the latest progress.