Pride at Home


Working from home isn’t always easy. Those living alone can feel isolated, while those with partners may have felt their relationships put under strain by separation or confinement, and those with children may have to juggle childcare or toddler taming.

This is the daily reality for many of our LGBT+ colleagues and I’m proud that SLC has an active and supportive network to share information and support on those days when anyone can find themselves feeling isolated or uncertain.

Every year during the month of June, the LGBT+ community celebrates Pride in a number of different ways. It’s a season of celebration and, with the majority of SLC staff working remotely, our LGBT+ network, Arcus, has held its own Pride season online in July, with the theme of ‘Pride at Home’.

Throughout July there have been a raft of events, providing a chance for network members to have a virtual catch up and chat, alongside activities such as online quizzes and bingo nights.

One of the leading lights in Arcus is Gary Stevenson and it’s thanks to him and his colleagues that we are able to reach out and provide support when and where it’s most needed. Fun and companionship are sometimes all that is required but, by providing opportunities for people to come together online, we are also able to keep an eye out for anyone who might be having a bad day.

Pride at Home is very much in the spirit of the Student Loans Company and I’m proud of the fantastic job Arcus does all year long. Support networks are more important now than ever, and Arcus is leading the way for SLC’s LGBT+ community.

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