Press Releases: United States Welcomes the UN Panel of Experts Annual Report on the D.P.R.K.

Press Statement

Robert Palladino

Deputy Spokesperson

Washington, DC
March 12, 2019

The United States welcomes the release today of a report by the UN’s independent Panel of Experts on the implementation of UN sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (D.P.R.K.) and commends the panel for its hard work. The report provides timely, relevant, and impartial analysis that helps governments around the world to take decisive action and demonstrates the need for continued vigilance against entities involved in D.P.R.K. sanctions evasion activity. The United States takes allegations of UN sanctions violations seriously, and all Member States are expected to fully implement UN Security Council resolutions. International unity in implementing these sanctions continues to hamper the D.P.R.K.’s ability to further its illegal weapons of mass destruction programs and sends the message that the D.P.R.K. will be economically and diplomatically isolated until it denuclearizes.