Press Releases: U.S.-Peru Workshop on Countering Hizballah’s Terrorist and Criminal Activities

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

September 22, 2017

As part of the U.S. commitment to counter Hizballah’s terrorist and criminal activities around the world, the United States and Peru partnered to hold a two-day workshop in Lima on September 20-21, on using law enforcement and counterterrorism finance tools to counter Hizballah’s destabilizing activities.

Counterterrorism practitioners from both countries discussed best practices to disrupt Hizballah’s terrorist plotting, military procurement activities, and its members’ and supporters’ involvement in large scale criminal schemes. U.S. participating agencies included the U.S. Departments of State, Justice, Treasury, Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the National Counterterrorism Center. Peru was represented by the Peruvian Judiciary, the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office on Terrorism, the Specialized Public Solicitor’s Office on Terrorism, the Financial Intelligence Unit, and the Peruvian National Police’s Anti-Drug and Anti-Money Laundering Directorates. Peru is a regular member of the U.S.-Europol Law Enforcement Coordination Group, which harnesses the expertise of more than 25 countries across the globe to counter the threat posed by Hizballah. Both countries agreed to continue working together to take measures to counter Hizballah’s destabilizing activities.