Press Releases: U.S. Assistant Secretary Manisha Singh and Republic of Korea Vice Foreign Minister Lee Taeho Hold Talks on Strengthening Economic Cooperation

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
December 7, 2018

United States Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs Manisha Singh led talks December 7, 2018, with Vice Foreign Minister Lee Taeho of the Republic of Korea during the latter’s official visit to Washington, D.C. They discussed the importance of the U.S.-Korea economic relationship, and prospects for greater cooperation in global health security, energy, and women’s economic empowerment. The parties signed a memorandum of understanding to advance cooperation on these issues.

Assistant Secretary Singh reaffirmed the ironclad and enduring commitment of the United States to allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific region, and President Trump’s vision for a free and open region of strong, sovereign, and prosperous nations.

As President Trump highlighted in his visit to the Republic of Korea in November 2017, the U.S.-Republic of Korea alliance remains a linchpin for security, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific. The December 7, 2018, talks advanced that vision and the strong bilateral cooperation that serves as a foundation for our solid alliance with the Republic of Korea.

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