Press Releases: Tonga National Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

November 3, 2017

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, we offer congratulations to the people of Tonga to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of your nation’s constitution on November 4th, 1875.

The United States and the Kingdom of Tonga have enjoyed a long-standing partnership based on shared values and close cooperation on matters ranging from improving maritime security to enhancing law enforcement cooperation. Over the decades, we have found opportunities to partner through the work of the U.S. Peace Corps, which this year marks its fiftieth anniversary in Tonga, and through the contributions of Tongans residing in the United States. We have enriched our economies through trade, and better secured maritime resources.

As a close friend and partner, the United States celebrates with you on this special day.