Press Releases: Repression of Civil Society, Human Rights Defenders, and Independent Media in Nicaragua

Press Statement

Robert Palladino

Deputy Spokesperson

Washington, DC
December 13, 2018

The Nicaraguan regime’s recent actions to strip legal status from non-governmental organizations, including groups monitoring human rights, reveal President Ortega’s and Vice President Murillo’s continued contempt for human rights in their own country. Their efforts to harass, threaten, and repress independent media will not succeed in hiding the systematic oppression of the Nicaraguan people.

Ortega and Murillo continue to degrade their country’s institutions in a desperate bid to hold on to power. Arbitrary and anti-democratic measures further discredit the Ortega regime in the eyes of Nicaraguans and the world. The United States continues to stand with the people of Nicaragua in their quest to restore democracy through early, free and fair elections.

Pursuant to the Executive Order signed by President Trump on November 27, the United States will hold accountable those responsible for the abuses taking place in Nicaragua, including any individuals complicit with the regime. We urge the international community to join us condemning these actions and take concrete measures to impose additional costs for the regime’s anti-democratic behavior.