Press Releases: Remarks With Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic Before Their Meeting



Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Treaty Room

Washington, DC

February 9, 2018

SECRETARY TILLERSON: Afternoon, all. I want to the welcome First Deputy Prime Minister (inaudible) for Foreign Affairs Dacic to the State Department (inaudible). Welcome. Very nice to see you.

QUESTION: Secretary Tillerson, I know that you said you’ll wait and see what happens in PyeongChang with North Korea, but now that South Korea has been trying to set up a potential meeting, would you welcome that? And also, what do you think of the rhetoric so far coming from the White House? Is that helpful to diplomacy?

SECRETARY TILLERSON: Well, the Vice President is in PyeongChang and I know he’s having direct conversations with South Korea, and so I think it’s best to leave any comment to him since he’s there in South Korea.

QUESTION: Thank you.