Press Releases: Proposed Constitutional Amendments in Burundi

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

May 1, 2018

The United States is concerned with the May 17, referendum aimed at amending the constitution of Burundi through a non-transparent process. We are especially concerned that the amendments to the constitution will be interpreted as resetting presidential term limits and run counter to the Arusha Agreement. Such efforts by incumbents to enact constitutional changes to remain in power beyond term limits weaken democratic institutions.

We denounce the numerous instances of violence, intimidation, and harassment committed against perceived opponents of the referendum. We call on the government to respect Burundi’s international legal obligations regarding the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and association. Free and fair participation in the process is an essential component of a credible referendum.

The United States recognizes the formidable challenges that the Burundian people have faced throughout their history, and we remain committed to continuing our partnership with Burundi in support of the country’s sustainable peace and development.