Press Releases: On the Occasion of the Official Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

June 9, 2017

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I offer congratulations to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as they celebrate Her Majesty’s 91st birthday on June 10.

Queen Elizabeth II has served as a symbol of stability and strength throughout her 65 year reign, even in the face of great challenges and tremendous change. She rightfully enjoys the respect and admiration not only of the British people, but of people throughout the world.

The United States’ partnership with the United Kingdom is as vibrant and relevant today as it was when Winston Churchill coined the term “Special Relationship” in 1946. We continue to cooperate closely on a wide range of regional and global challenges, including countering terrorism, promoting economic prosperity, and supporting human dignity and the rule of law. The United Kingdom is a strong NATO ally and, together, we have advanced our shared security goals and common interests.

The United States looks forward to continuing our close cooperation to address the most important and pressing issues facing our two countries.

I wish Her Majesty the Queen and the people of the United Kingdom a joyful birthday celebration.