Press Releases: On the 20th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement

Press Statement

John J. Sullivan

Acting Secretary of State

Washington, DC

April 11, 2018

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I offer my best wishes to the people of Northern Ireland, Ireland, and the United Kingdom as they celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement this week.

Twenty years ago, the Good Friday Agreement brought an end to thirty years of violence in which more than 3,500 lives were lost. It offered a framework for a new beginning to build peace, prosperity, and reconciliation in the region. The Good Friday Agreement, endorsed widely by the people of the region, remains an inspiration around the world.

As we reflect on this important anniversary, let us remind ourselves – and the generations since the signing in 1998 – of how far the people of the region have traveled, as well as the challenges that persist. We encourage all parties in Northern Ireland to work together to form a regional, power-sharing government that benefits all the people of the region.