Press Releases: On Afghanistan President Ghani’s Ceasefire Offer


Press Statement

Mike Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

June 7, 2018

The United States welcomes President Ghani’s offer of a temporary ceasefire between the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban to allow the Afghan people to celebrate Eid al-Fitr without fear of violence. This ceasefire further demonstrates the Afghan government’s commitment to explore ways to end the conflict. This ceasefire follows the Afghan Ulema Council’s call for the Taliban to end their campaign of violence against the Afghan people and government. The Afghan government’s offer of a temporary ceasefire underscores its commitment to peace as both a national and religious responsibility. We stand with the Afghan people as they lay the foundation for an Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process.

In support of the Afghan government’s initiative, NATO’s Resolute Support Mission and U.S. forces in Afghanistan will respect the ceasefire, as it applies to the Taliban. It does not apply to ISIS and al-Qa’ida, nor does it prohibit operations to defend Afghan and Coalition forces from attack.

The United States and our international partners look to the Taliban to honor the ceasefire and demonstrate their respect for the people of Afghanistan who have long called for a reprieve to the Taliban’s campaign of violence.