Press Releases: Municipal Elections in Nicaragua

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

November 8, 2017

The United States is concerned by persistent flaws in the Nicaraguan democratic process, as illustrated by the November 5 municipal elections. Although voting itself was calm, we condemn the post-electoral violence, lament the loss of life, and call for an investigation that brings those responsible to justice. We are seriously troubled by credible reports of irregularities throughout this electoral process.

The presence of an Organization of American States (OAS) electoral observation mission provided much-needed transparency, and the United States concurs with its recommendations focused on strengthening balance within the political party system, improving the selection of election councils at all levels, establishing an adequate legal framework for civil society, and promoting broad and inclusive domestic electoral observation.

The United States continues to advocate for the strengthening of democratic institutions, a separation of powers, and a free and fair electoral process in Nicaragua.