Press Releases: Meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS in Morocco

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

June 22, 2018

Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS Brett McGurk will lead an interagency delegation to Rabat, Morocco for a political directors’ level meeting on June 26, with key members of the Defeat ISIS Coalition.

As the Coalition continues to work with local partners to liberate ISIS’s limited but remaining strongholds in Syria, this meeting will be an opportunity for Coalition partners to discuss next steps to ensure ISIS is dealt an enduring defeat in Iraq and Syria and ways to accelerate our collective approach to defeat ISIS’s global ambitions. It will have a particular focus on ISIS’s presence in Africa and include a detailed discussion of priorities for the Coalition’s multiple lines of effort, including stabilization, foreign terrorist fighters, counterterrorist financing, and counter-messaging.

The Coalition regularly meets to coordinate and enhance combined efforts to defeat ISIS, both at the senior and working group level. The last meeting of senior Coalition leaders took place on February 13, at the Ministerial level in Kuwait.