Press Releases: Liberia’s Presidential and Legislative Elections

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 10, 2017

As a longstanding friend, the United States applauds the people of Liberia for exercising their democratic right to vote in the historic presidential and legislative elections. This is an important step toward achieving Liberia’s first peaceful transfer of power from one democratically-elected head of state to another in decades.

We salute Liberia’s success in holding free and fair elections in 2005, 2011, and 2014 and urge Liberians to build on that tradition by peacefully and patiently awaiting the official results from the National Elections Commission.

The United States stands by the people of Liberia in their efforts to continue building their country, its democracy, and its future. While challenges remain, we look forward to advancing our longstanding mutual interests in economic development, trade, security, health care, and the strengthening of democratic institutions.