Press Releases: Joint Strategic Plan for the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development, Fiscal Year 2018-2022

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

February 13, 2018

Today, the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) published their FY 2018-2022 Joint Strategic Plan (JSP), which conveys Secretary Tillerson’s and Administrator Green’s vision for foreign policy and development, based wholly on the President’s commitments to America and its citizens.

The JSP will guide strategic planning of foreign policy and development efforts, and shape the core of progress and accountability reports. The JSP comprises four goals: protecting America’s security at home and abroad; renewing America’s competitive advantage for sustained economic growth and job creation; promoting American leadership through balanced engagement; and ensuring effectiveness and accountability to the American taxpayer.

The Mission Statements of State and USAID reflect a coordinated effort to achieve America’s foreign policy, development and security goals. The JSP supports the President’s National Security Strategy, and complements the National Defense Strategy. The JSP will guide the State Department’s and USAID’s efforts to advance the security and interests of the American people through strengthened diplomatic and development efforts and through balanced international engagement that enables the self-reliance of our partners and allies.

For more information about the JSP, please visit or