Press Releases: Joint Statement of the First U.S.-Ukraine Cybersecurity Dialogue


Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 3, 2017

On September 29, 2017, the United States and Ukraine held the first Bilateral Cybersecurity Dialogue in Kyiv.

Having a longstanding and diverse diplomatic and security relationship, the United States and Ukraine aim to strengthen our cybersecurity cooperation, an important component of our countries’ strategic partnership. By working together we will strengthen our resilience against cyber threats, to ensure the Internet remains open, interoperable, reliable, and secure.

The interagency delegations that participated in the Dialogue represent the whole range of governmental institutions whose responsibilities include preventing, detecting, and responding to cyber threats.

The United States and Ukraine reaffirm our desire to cooperate on enhancing national cybersecurity, and improving cooperation between our respective governmental institutions, and private sectors.

Acknowledging that cyber threats are among the most significant challenges to global and national security, the United States and Ukraine support the development of a framework of responsible state behavior that includes affirmation of the applicability of international law to state conduct in cyberspace, adherence to additional voluntary, non-binding norms of state behavior that apply in peacetime, and the development and implementation of practical confidence-building measures to reduce the risk of misperception and conflict.

The United States and Ukraine also support cybersecurity cooperation through the NATO framework.

Both governments recognize the importance of existing U.S.-Ukrainian cyber cooperation related to recent incidents, and discussed increased cooperation as a means to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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