Press Releases: Israel’s National Day


Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

May 2, 2017

On behalf of President Trump and the American people, I am delighted to offer my congratulations to all Israelis as you celebrate your 69th Independence Day.

As the President remarked before meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu in February, “the partnership between our two countries built on our shared values has advanced the cause of human freedom, dignity and peace.” As Israel has endured and flourished over nearly seven decades despite unfathomable challenges, so too has the unbreakable bond between our two nations.

In these uncertain times, the steadfast commitment of the United States to the State of Israel will remain a constant. We look forward to even further strengthening a partnership that has long contributed to our mutual security and prosperity. I wish the people of Israel a Yom Ha’atzmaut sameach.