Press Releases: General Elections in Barbados

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

May 25, 2018

We congratulate Mia Mottley on her election as the next prime minister of Barbados in the May 24 general election vote. Ms. Mottley makes history as Barbados’ first female prime minister. We congratulate the Barbadian people on participating in another free and fair election and for their commitment to democratic values.

The United States and Barbados enjoy a strong partnership based on our shared democratic values and commitment to peace and security. We applaud Ms. Mottley’s stated intent to address fiscal transparency, and we look forward to collaborating with Barbados to enhance economic partnerships and private sector investment.

We value the productive relationship we built during Prime Minister Stuart’s administration and look forward to working with Prime Minister-elect Mottley when the new government takes office.