Press Releases: Decision by Staffan De Mistura To Finish His Tenure as UN Special Envoy for Syria

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 18, 2018

In his four years and four months as UN Special Envoy for Syria , Staffan de Mistura has worked tirelessly to find a solution to the Syrian crisis, saved lives by working to deescalate the violence that has engulfed the country, and eased suffering by constantly pressing for unhindered delivery of vital medical and humanitarian aid to Syrians in need.

Special Envoy De Mistura has also eloquently stated that there is no military solution in Syria, and that the only way forward is a political process under the auspices of UN Security Council Resolution 2254. He has offered a vision of a Syria that is free from violence and oppression and a Syrian government that represents the will of the Syrian people. His leadership in pursuit of these goals has been instrumental in building international consensus for a political pathway out of this terrible conflict.

Now, as Special Envoy De Mistura enters the final weeks of his tenure, he and UN Secretary General Guterres have pledged that he will use all his influence and energy to finally convene the Syrian constitutional committee – an important step forward in the political process and a symbol that a solution is possible.

The United States will continue to support the Special Envoy’s work until he steps down at the end of November. We sincerely thank him for his service to the community of nations and for his tireless work on behalf of the Syrian people and countless others during his UN career. We wish him well in his future endeavors.