Press Releases: Belgium To Purchase F-35 Fighter Aircraft, Reaffirming Enduring Partnership With the United States

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 25, 2018

The United States welcomes the decision by the Government of Belgium to purchase thirty-four new F-35 fighter aircraft. Belgium is now poised to fly the F-35 alongside its closest NATO Allies and longtime partners. The United States is proud of our enduring air partnership with Belgium, a country whose air power has contributed to the Defeat ISIS campaign in Iraq and Syria, and NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission. With Belgium’s commitment to the F-35 program, its five-star aerospace industry will continue to expand as it supports this 5th generation aircraft, which was jointly developed with European partners. Belgium’s participation in the F-16 program has been a cornerstone of our modern transatlantic defense partnership. We look forward to continuing this partnership for many decades to come with the F-35 program.