Press Releases: Assistant Secretary Dr. Christopher A. Ford Travels to Austria, Saudi Arabia, and New Mexico


Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

July 5, 2018

Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation Dr. Christopher A. Ford will travel to Vienna, Austria and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia July 5-8, and Los Alamos, New Mexico July 9-11.

In Vienna, Dr. Ford will meet with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Yukiya Amano and other IAEA officials. In Jeddah, he will join a delegation led by Director of Policy Planning Brian Hook to convey the Administration’s Iran policy, which seeks to address the totality of Iranian threats and malign activities.

Dr. Ford will then travel to Los Alamos, New Mexico to participate in the Center for Strategic and International Studies Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI) Conference at the Los Alamos National Lab, where he will discuss a range of nonproliferation issues.