Press Releases: Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Ambassador Tina Kaidanow Travels to Belgium, Israel, and the United Kingdom

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

June 16, 2017

Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Ambassador Tina Kaidanow will travel to Belgium, Israel, and the United Kingdom June 18-27, for discussions on a variety of international security issues.

In Belgium, Ambassador Kaidanow will meet with NATO and European Union officials regarding ongoing U.S. efforts on security cooperation and defense trade. She will also discuss security assistance programs overseen by the Department of State that strengthen the capabilities of ally and partner nations in Europe, as well as cooperation on coalition operations to defeat ISIS and promote security in Afghanistan.

In Israel, Ambassador Kaidanow will meet with Israeli officials and deliver remarks on U.S.-Israel security relations at the 2017 Herzliya Conference.

In the United Kingdom, she will meet with civilian and defense officials to discuss regional strategic priorities, defense trade, military-to-military cooperation, and related issues.

For further information, please contact the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs at, and follow the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs on Twitter, @StateDeptPM.