Press Releases: 100 International Women Leaders in STEM Connect in Silicon Valley for TechWomen 2017

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

September 19, 2017

One hundred women leaders in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields from Africa, the Middle East and South and Central Asia arrived in the United States this week for the U.S. Department of State’s TechWomen 2017 exchange program. Through mentorships with U.S. women leaders in STEM fields, the TechWomen participants will gain access and opportunities needed to strengthen business ties and build stronger professional networks around the world. Upon their return home, participants will encourage more women and girls to pursue careers in science and technology.

The TechWomen participants will spend five weeks collaborating with over 30 U.S. private sector companies in the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley before their program closes in Washington, D.C. Each mentorship group will create a mutually beneficial project related to their expertise, interests and the needs of the host company. Participants will return home to join other program alumnae and select visiting American mentors to implement their action plans and conduct workshops to share their insights with more women and girls.

In San Francisco, media are invited to attend an opening event for the TechWomen at Juniper Networks on September 19, a Pitch Event at Microsoft on October 13, and a Community Celebration at Twitter on October 16. The closing lunch at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on October 20 will also be open to the press. To RSVP to these events and for inquiries, please contact Join the conversations on Twitter at #TechWomen17.