Press release: Vietnam to develop its children’s math and digital skills with UK support

The learning app is designed and developed in an educational project under UK – Vietnam Fund. This project has also supported the creation of an English version of the MOET online teaching and learning portal.

On 14th November, teachers in Hanoi participated in an exciting day of ICT & Maths professional development at the Hanoi Hilton Hotel, provided by Just2easy and highly experienced British teachers. Teachers in Ho Chi Minh took part in a similar event on the 16th November at the Sofitel Hotel Saigon Plaza.

J2blast can be accessed by any students and teachers in Viet Nam by logging in to the MOET online teaching and learning portal. Each student can access their own personalised account that tracks their progress and development in everything from Times Tables to various elements of Secondary School Maths curriculum.

Teachers can also benefit greatly from using the app by tracking student progress in numeracy, identifying struggling students with specific maths challenges and then supporting their students with further activities or help.

The Managing Director for Just2easy, Danny Young said:

We are thrilled to be able to provide this unique and exciting app for every student in Vietnam. We really want to enable every student in the whole country to have fun in learning and practicing their maths & ICT skills.

For further information, please contact:

  • Ms Dinh Thu Huong, the British Embassy Communications Manager; Tel: 3936 0500 ext 2227; Email:
  • Mr. Alastair Cameron, International Director, Just2easy Ltd; Mobile: 00447515817699; Email: