Press release: Statement from Priti Patel on UN Yemen appeal

International Development Secretary comments on the launch of the United Nations 2017 funding appeal for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

The United Nations has today (8th February) launched an appeal for US$2.1 billion to provide life-saving assistance to 12 million people in Yemen in 2017.

International Development Secretary Priti Patel said:

Today, the UN has launched its new humanitarian plan for Yemen, setting out the steps it will take to save lives in 2017 and the funding it requires to be able to do that.

Last year, UK aid ensured life-saving food, medical supplies, clean water and emergency shelter reached more than one million Yemenis in desperate need across the country and we will once again be supporting this new appeal.

At the UN General Assembly last September, the UK Government secured more than $100 million [approximately £80 million] in new funding for Yemen and a commitment from UN agencies to strengthen their response to the crisis. As the UN launches its new appeal today, we will continue to push donors and partners alike to step up their efforts and to keep pace with the UK response.

It is imperative that all parties to the conflict ensure lifesaving assistance can get through and aid agencies get the unfettered access they require. At the same time, the international community must provide the UN with the funding it is calling for along with the political pressure to ensure aid reaches those who need it.

Notes to editors

  1. More detail on the UN appeal can be seen here: