Press release: Sefton community urged to get involved in A5036 consultation

The new dual carriageway through Rimrose Valley will be transformational – for people living along the increasingly congested existing A5036, the facilities at Rimrose Valley Country Park and in tackling congestion and boosting economic opportunities right across the area.

Following last month’s judicial hearing – and today’s announcement upholding our decision to exclude a tunnel from options in the initial consultation – we’ll begin statutory consultation over plans to provide a replacement road through Rimrose Valley in the New Year.

Our regional delivery director for the North West Tim Gamon said:

We note the outcome of the judicial review and would like to say that now, more than ever, we want to work with the community surrounding Rimrose Valley to deliver a solution which benefits everybody

Our message is whether you are a resident, road user, business or regular user of the park please come and get involved in the consultation events so we can work together to get this right for everyone.

Our legacy approach to delivery will ensure both the park’s facilities and the existing A5036 will be improved while the new road will help relieve congestion across the whole of the local road network – providing more reliable journeys and freeing up more opportunities for jobs and homes.

Next year’s statutory consultation will be followed by an application to the Government for planning permission – both required before any road can be built and both providing opportunities for local people to help shape the proposals.

More information on the statutory consultation process will be provided and publicised once the details have been finalised. In the meantime more information on the project and an opportunity to sign up for email updates are available on the Port of Liverpool Access project webpage.

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