Press release – Sassoli: Meals for homeless and key workers a “good example of Parliament’s public spirit”

The President of the European Parliament David Sassoli today visited parliament kitchens, which have been specially reopened to prepare and distribute more than 1,000 meals a day to homeless people, those in need, and health workers tackling the COVID-19 emergency. The President described the initiative as “a good example of the Parliament’s public spirit.” 500 meals were already distributed yesterday. The distribution is done thanks to collaboration with the associations: Restò du Coeur Saint Gilles, Douche FLUX, Croix Rouge, CPAS Ixelles.

The Parliament will also make available part of its fleet of vehicles to distribute the meals and to transport doctors, nurses, and social workers between their homes and hospitals in the region.

The footage of the President visiting parliament kitchens is available here.