Press release: Road show to show you road works

The organisation is using a mobile visitor centre, which will for the first time give road users and local residents the chance to speak to staff who will be coming to their area. The minibus facility will open out into a larger exhibition, which will feature displays and presentations about road works in the area and road safety.

This innovative new approach builds on the success of the team working on the new A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon road, which has deployed a similar exhibition to engage with the public about that work.

Now drivers will be able to speak to Highways England staff about a whole range of road works that are happening soon and further in the future, with the new visitors centre set to tour the region.

Staff will be on hand to answer road users’ queries and address their concerns, with the focus of the exhibition being on essential major maintenance work happening soon throughout the region but staff also able to talk about upcoming work such as the significant improvements that will be delivered through the Roads Investment Strategy. Over the next week, the visitor centre will travel to the following locations as detailed below, being manned and available between 12pm (midday) and 7pm:

  • Tuesday 18 July – Haycocks Hotel, Wansford
  • Wednesday 19 July – Serpentine Shopping Centre, Peterborough
  • Thursday 20 July – Play2Day, Gull Road, Guyhirn
  • Friday 21 July – Tesco, Dereham

Throughout the rest of July and August, the exhibition will also be visiting the following locations, with times and dates to be confirmed:

  • Bedford
  • Sandy
  • Biggleswade
  • Spittals Interchange, Huntingdon
  • Baldock
  • Toddington
  • King’s Lynn
  • Attleborough
  • Great Yarmouth
  • Hopton
  • Lowestoft
  • Harwich
  • Hockliffe

Members of the public are invited to attend the mobile visitor centre to speak with Highways England staff, which will include traffic officers at some of the exhibitions.

Highways England Capital Delivery Team Leader, Aran Nugent, said:

We are aware that the work we do has an impact on our road users, and so Highways England is eager to better engage with drivers and local residents so we can hear their comments, allay their concerns and answer any questions they may come to us with.

This mobile exhibition offers us an excellent opportunity to better get into those communities we will be working alongside, so we can speak with people to explain the work we are doing and the benefits it will bring for them, their town and this region.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.