Press release: Regulator appoints Interim Manager at Essex Islamic Academy


The Charity Commission has announced that it has appointed an Interim Manager to the Essex Islamic Academy, also known as Ripple Road Mosque.

The Commission has been investigating the charity since October 2017. The inquiry was announced in March of this year, after the conviction of Umar Ahmed Haque for preparing terrorist acts whilst employed at the charity; Mr Haque had previously pleaded guilty to disseminating terrorist material to children who attended the charity’s madrassah.

As part of its inquiry, the Commission is considering how Mr Haque was able to attempt to radicalise children, and what the trustees and others at the charity knew about this. The inquiry is also examining the level of supervision, due diligence and oversight the charity had over Mr Haque, and its adherence to safeguarding policies and procedures.

The Commission appointed Mr Jonathan Burchfield of Stone King LLP as Interim Manager (IM) on 8 June 2018 under section 76(3)(g) of the Charities Act 2011. The IM’s role is to implement safeguarding procedures, ensure all current trustees, relevant staff and relevant volunteers have understood safeguarding procedures and completed relevant training, and review the charity’s government document, and its financial controls and policies.

The IM assumes these duties at the exclusion of the charity’s trustees; however the latter retain control over the day-to-day running of the charity.

The Commission’s investigation continues.

It is the Commission’s intention, in accordance with its policy, to publish a report after it has concluded the inquiry, detailing what issues the inquiry looked at, what actions were undertaken and what the outcome was.

Reports of previous inquiries by the Commission are available on GOV.UK.

Notes to Editors

  1. The Charity Commission is the regulator of charities in England and Wales.
  2. The IM appointment is a temporary and protective power that will be reviewed at regular intervals. It will continue until the Commission makes a further Order for its variation or discharge.

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