Press release: Prestigious award for Highways England’s ‘Road to Growth’

Highways England’s plan setting out how the country’s motorways and major A roads will unlock economic growth and support development for decades to come has been recognised by a leading independent professional body of economists.

The Institute of Economic Development (IED) hailed the company’s strategic economic growth plan, “The Road to Growth” as “greatest economic impact’’ at their 2017 annual awards.

The plan includes Highways England’s Innovation, and Growth and Housing Funds.

Highways England’s Executive Director of Strategy and Planning, Elliot Shaw, said:

It is a great achievement to have been recognised by the Institute of Economic Development for our innovative approach to unlocking economic growth. While we continue to successfully deliver the Government’s Road Investment Strategy, we are actively looking ahead to 2020 and beyond. It is this strategic and innovative thinking that is showing the difference we are making.

Highways England’s Senior Strategic Implementation Manager Alice Darley receiving the award

Announcing the award Bev Hurley, Chair, Institute of Economic Development, said:

We would like to congratulate Highways England as the first winner of our Greatest Economic Impact award. The Road to Growth is the first strategic economic growth plan for Highways England and draws upon extensive research, consumer and stakeholder feedback. It is closely aligned with the Government and Department of Transport’s vision for a high performing road infrastructure that positively impacts the economy, employment and housing markets.

Highways England has made ‘supporting economic growth’ one of its five strategic priorities and at the same time has set funding aside for innovation, some strategic projects that could unlock growth and produced a planning guide setting out how to work with the organisation. Whilst the overall approach may not yet be fully measurable, it was considered clear from the documents submitted that this shift to concentrate on economic growth can make a considerable difference to the economic growth of locations across England.

The Road to Growth and details of Highways England’s Growth and Housing Fund can be found on our web page.

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