Press release – Pre-session briefing on Wednesday 15 April at 17.00

Parliament will be testing an interactive virtual press environment (with interpretation) based on Skype TX, in conjunction with the traditional EbS and webstreaming connections.

If you wish to ask a question:

  • You will need a SKYPE account.
  • Connect to VOXBOXEP and write your name and media organisation in the chat box.

The system will be managed by Parliament’s media services and you will be placed in a queue (virtual waiting room) before being invited to ask your question(s).

N.B. You should only connect through Skype if you wish to ask a question. After asking a question / listening to the reply (and any follow-up), you should then disconnect from Skype so the next journalist in line can be connected to the press briefing room.

Follow the pre-session briefing LIVE on EP MMC or EbS+

REMINDER: working conditions in Parliament for journalists in light of Coronavirus

In an effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Parliament is reducing the need for physical meetings on its premises, without compromising its role of democratic scrutiny nor its ability to approve the necessary legislative measures to combat the virus and support the public, consumers, businesses and emergency services.

Those parliamentary activities still taking place (including this week’s plenary session) will be web-streamed and can be followed by the media without requiring your physical presence on EP premises.

You are therefore advised not to come in person unless absolutely necessary. If you do, you are requested to respect the standard recommended guidelines on social distancing and hygiene. Please refrain from coming to EP premises if you present any symptoms of a respiratory infection, if you have knowingly been in contact with an infected person in the last 14 days or if you have been to regions with very high transmission rates.

For updated guidance see:

  • Although most Members of Parliament will be participating remotely, if you need to interview Members of Parliament, please give preference to telephone or online methods.
  • The Vox Box recording studio will be open, but under a strict regime of prior reservation and respect for social distancing.
  • The press tribune in the hemicycle will be accessible (limited capacity).
  • The press work room will remain closed.

Thank you for your understanding.