Press release: PM statement: 20th anniversary of vote for creation of a Scottish Parliament


Twenty years ago today Scotland voted for the creation of the Scottish Parliament. That historic moment brought decision making closer to the people of Scotland and marked the beginning of a devolution process that has strengthened the precious Union between Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Since then, we have seen a wealth of new powers devolved to Holyrood, including through the Scotland Act 2016. Delivering the Smith Commission recommendations in full, the Act transferred a raft of significant powers, including on tax and welfare. As a result, the Scottish Parliament is now one of the most powerful devolved administrations in the world.

It is now for the Scottish Government to make full use of these powers to support the Scottish economy and to deliver the housing, education and healthcare services people in Scotland deserve.

The UK Government will not devolve and forget, we will continue to work with the Scottish Government to deliver for the people of Scotland. We may be four nations, but at heart we are one people. Together we can build a stronger, fairer society for people in Scotland and right across the UK.

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