Press release: PM meeting with Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar: 17 November 2017

Prime Minister Theresa May and Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar this morning met for talks at the Gothenburg Social Summit.

The two leaders held constructive discussions on Brexit and looked forward to making further progress in the run-up to the December European Council.

On Northern Ireland, the PM was clear that the Belfast agreement must be at the heart of our approach and that Northern Ireland’s unique circumstances demand specific solutions.

The PM said it was important to protect progress made in Northern Ireland over recent years. Both leaders agreed to work together to find solutions which ensure there is no return to the borders of the past.

The PM and Taoiseach reiterated that they want to see the Northern Irish executive re-established as soon as possible. They committed to continuing to work together with the parties to achieve that.