Press release: PM call with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar: 27 June 2017


Prime Minister Theresa May spoke on the phone to Taoiseach Leo Varadkar today. The Prime Minister discussed the Confidence and Supply agreement the Conservative Party have reached with the DUP which will provide the UK with certainty at this critical time.

The Prime Minister explained that the DUP will support the Conservative Government on votes on the Queen’s Speech, the Budget, and legislation relating to Brexit and national security. The Prime Minister went on to say that the agreement makes clear that the United Kingdom remains steadfast to our commitments as set out in the Belfast Agreement and its successors, and in governing in the interests of all parts of the community in Northern Ireland.

They confirmed their joint commitment to restore a Northern Ireland Executive as soon as possible and agreed to engage closely, and work with the parties in Northern Ireland, to bring back political stability and a strong voice at Stormont.

The two leaders also spoke about their willingness to continue close cooperation as the UK embarks on leaving the European Union.

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