Press release: PM call with Prime Minister Abadi of Iraq: 18 July 2017

The Prime Minister spoke to Prime Minster Abadi of Iraq this afternoon.

She congratulated him on the recent liberation of Mosul, and commended the bravery and sacrifice of Iraqi forces.

Prime Minister Abadi thanked her and said victory would not have been achieved without the support of the UK and other members of the international coalition against Daesh.

Prime Minister May reiterated the UK’s long-term commitment to a secure and unified Iraq, through our ongoing military, humanitarian and stabilisation support.

They agreed on the importance of continuing to work together to defeat terrorism, to ensure Iraq’s stability and prosperity. This includes our continued efforts to bring Daesh to justice.

They also discussed the importance of political reform and reconciliation to unite Iraqis and prevent the reemergence of Daesh. Prime Minister May stressed the need to heal divisions, help citizens rebuild their lives and give all Iraqis a stake in a better future.