Press release: PM call with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau: 4 February 2017

Theresa May spoke with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and discussed the Quebec shooting, NATO and free trade.

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

The Prime Minister called Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada earlier today.

She began by telling him that Britain’s thoughts remain with the people of Canada and those affected by the shooting at the Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City. Prime Minister Trudeau thanked her for her letter of condolence, and they agreed on the importance of working to tackle violent extremism in our societies.

They noted the firm commitment to NATO expressed by President Trump during the Prime Minister’s recent visit to Washington. Prime Minister May reiterated the importance of NATO continuing to ensure it is as equipped to fight cyber warfare and terrorism as it is to fight more conventional forms of war.

The Prime Ministers also discussed their shared belief in the benefits of free trade, and said they looked forward to maintaining trade ties and starting conversations on the potential for a bilateral free trade agreement once the UK has left the EU.

They ended the call by looking forward to their next meeting at the G7 Summit in Sicily in May.