Press release: PM call with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau: 10 April 2017
The Prime Minister spoke to Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada last night to discuss events in Syria following the chemical weapons attack and the US airstrikes, and to look ahead to the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting this week.
They agreed on their support for the US action, which we believe was an appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime.
And they discussed the importance of Russia using its influence to bring about a political settlement in Syria, and to work with the rest of the international community to ensure that the shocking events of the last week are never repeated.
They noted that the Foreign Secretary is working closely with his Canadian counterpart as part of diplomatic efforts to line up G7 and like-minded support for a clear international position on the way ahead, in support of the US Secretary of State’s visit to Moscow.
And they agreed to continue this close cooperation as we build support for a political solution to end the conflict and bring lasting peace and stability to Syria.