Press release: People urged to have their say before A303 Stonehenge consultation ends


People still have a chance to give their views on proposals to improve the A303 past Stonehenge as part of a major roads package to cut congestion in the south west.

Consultation on the proposals for the Highways England dualling scheme continues until March 5 and anyone who would like to comment can still do so via the scheme consultation website.

Project director Derek Parody said:

The consultation on plans to relieve congestion on the A303 around Stonehenge is ongoing and the feedback we receive from everyone is really important in helping us to develop our proposed option.

We are delighted with the response so far with more than 2,500 people attending our ten information events.

The consultation website is still live and we would urge anyone who would like to comment on the proposals to do so before consultation ends on March 5.

A single carriageway section of the A303 currently runs alongside the Stonehenge monument. The proposed option is to move the road further away from the stones and put it underground in a 1.8 mile dual carriageway tunnel.

This would improve journey times for the tens of thousands of tourists, commuters, businesses and local people that use the road every day, as well as remove the sight and sound of traffic from this part of the world heritage site.

The Highways England proposals also include a bypass for the village of Winterbourne Stoke and improvements to existing junctions between the A303 and the intersecting A345 and A360 north-south roads. The upgrade will develop the A303 corridor into a high quality, high performing route linking the M3 in the south east and the M5 in the south west, improving journeys for millions of people.

Following consultation the preferred route will be announced later in 2017 and is subject to the completion of statutory procedures for development consent.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

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