Press release: Parole Board Open Management Committee Meeting

10 South Colonnade

Parole Board Open Management Committee Meeting

What is the event?

The Parole Board is holding its annual open Management Committee meeting on 12 December 2018 at 10 South Colonnade in Canary Wharf.

All welcome to attend

This is an open invite to attend a Parole Board management committee meeting, where you will have the opportunity to see the work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure the effective running of the parole system.

This meeting will look at the organisation’s strategic objectives for the next year and any current issues facing the Parole Board.


  • Minutes of previous Management Committee meetings
  • Update from Caroline Corby, Chair of the Parole Board
  • Update from Martin Jones, CEO of the Parole Board
  • Key Performance Indicators and performance update
  • Future landscape – Ministry of Justice reviews
  • Diversity and member recruitment
  • Victim engagement

Question and Answer Session

There will be a Question and Answer session at the end of the meeting. Please send in any questions you have when you signing up to attend.

How to Attend

If you would like to attend, please follow this link to provide your details .

There are a limited amount of seats and places will be given on a first come, first served basis.

Published 3 December 2018

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