Press release: Minister for Asia statement on new EU sanctions placed upon seven members of the Burmese military


The UK was instrumental in delivering today’s introduction of targeted sanctions on seven individuals from the Burmese military responsible for human rights violations in Rakhine. We were involved in identifying the individuals in question, and led on collecting the evidence required to build the legal case for sanctions against them. We also worked hard to secure the necessary EU consensus to introduce sanctions.

These sanctions are a direct response to the appalling violence, including sexual violence, that took place in Rakhine last year. The individuals listed were responsible for units that have been identified as the perpetrators of this violence.

This is a message to the Burmese military. The international community is watching. We can and will identify those responsible for atrocities committed. Further names can be added to this list. We will continue to monitor closely the Burmese military’s behaviour across Burma, and build evidence as necessary.

The human rights violations in Rakhine on which these listings are based are horrific. While we have welcomed Burma’s announcement of a Commission of Inquiry to look into what took place, UK pressure – and international pressure – will not stop until there is accountability for the perpetrators, and justice for the victims.

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