Press release: Minister for Africa condemns latest terrorist violence in Somalia

The Minister for Africa, Harriett Baldwin, has condemned the terrorist attacks carried out in Mogadishu on 9 November, and offered her condolences to the families of the victims.

Minister for Africa Harriett Baldwin said:

I was deeply saddened to learn of the appalling attacks in Mogadishu on 9 November, which have killed and severely injured many Somalis. My thoughts are with the families of the victims, as well as the people and government of Somalia. I wish those wounded a rapid recovery, and pay tribute to the first responders who reacted to the attack.

All acts of terrorism are indefensible, and the UK condemns this criminal attack in the strongest possible terms. Our determination to support Somalia stands fast. We will continue to help battle against terrorism in the region, and we remain committed to supporting a prosperous and secure Somalia.

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