Press release – MEPs call for stronger EU response to overcome COVID-19

MEPs acknowledged that the EU could have acted even earlier and more swiftly, but stressed that solidarity within the EU has been restored. Europeans have shown generosity, that they are there for each other and that they can act very effectively. However, the EU needs to do more to rebuild Europe if it is to become more resilient and effective and it needs to do so urgently.

Many speakers pointed out that closing borders cannot be a long-term solution and called for a common exit strategy and recovery plan within a new, ambitious, long-term budget to mitigate the social, economic and financial effects of the lockdown.

The debate will be wound up by a resolution to be put to the vote on Friday.

Click on the names of individual speakers to view their statements

Opening statement President Sassoli

Opening statement by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Opening statement by Charles Michel, President of the European Council

Esteban González Pons (EPP, ES)

Iratxe García Pérez (S&D, ES)

Dacian Cioloş (Renew, RO)

Marco Campomenosi (ID, IT)

Philippe Lamberts (Greens/EFA, BE)

Raffaele Fitto (ECR, IT)

Manon Aubry (GUE/NGL, FR)

Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President European Commission