Press release: July 2017 Price Paid Data

HM Land Registry Price Paid Data tracks land and property sales in England and Wales submitted to us for registration.

This month’s Price Paid Data includes details of more than 93,400 residential and commercial land and property sales in England and Wales lodged for registration in July 2017.

Of the 93,474 sales lodged for registration:

  • 69,692 were freehold

  • 8,269 were newly built

  • 28,244 sales took place in July 2017

  • 569 were residential sales in July 2017 in England and Wales for £1 million and over

  • 329 were residential sales in July 2017 in London for £1 million and over

Property type July 2017
Detached 21,204
Semi-detached 24,117
Terraced 24,952
Flat/maisonette 16,682
Other 6,519
Total 93, 474

The most expensive residential sale in July 2017 was of a terraced property in the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea for £9,360,000. The cheapest residential sale in July 2017 was of a terraced property in Bishop Auckland, County Durham for £18,750.

The most expensive commercial sale in July 2017 was in the City of Westminster, London for £215,399,999. The cheapest commercial sale in July 2017 was in Newcastle upon Tyne for £200.

Access the full dataset

Notes to editors

  1. Price Paid Data (PPD) is published at 11am on the 20th working day of each month. The next dataset will be published on 28 September 2017.

  2. Price Paid Data is property price data for all residential and commercial property sales in England and Wales that are lodged with HM Land Registry for registration in that month, subject to exclusions.

  3. The following information is available for each property:
    • the full address
    • the price paid
    • the date of transfer
    • the property type
    • whether it is new build or not
    • whether it is freehold or leasehold
  4. Price Paid Data can be downloaded in txt, csv format and in a machine readable format as linked data and is released under Open Government Licence (OGL). Under the OGL, HM Land Registry permits use of Price Paid Data for commercial or non-commercial purposes. However, the OGL does not cover the use of third party rights, which HMLR is not authorised to license.

  5. Price Paid Data includes Standard Price Paid Data (SPPD) for single residential property sales at full market value and Additional Price Paid Data (APPD) for transactions previously excluded from SPPD such as:
    • transfers to a non-private individual, for example a company, corporate body or business
    • transfers under a power of sale (repossessions)
    • buy-to-lets (where they can be identified by a mortgage). The information available for each property will indicate whether it is APPD or SPPD and the record’s status – addition/change/deletion (A/C/D).
  6. The Price Paid Data report builder allows users to build bespoke reports using the data. Reports can be based on location, estate type, price paid or property type over a defined period of time.

  7. As a government department established in 1862, executive agency and trading fund responsible to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, HM Land Registry keeps and maintains the Land Register for England and Wales. The Land Register has been open to public inspection since 1990.

  8. With the largest transactional database of its kind detailing over 24 million titles, HM Land Registry underpins the economy by safeguarding ownership of many billions of pounds worth of property.

  9. For further information about HM Land Registry visit

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